
Skincare Boosters Are The Newest Must-Have Beauty Essentials

Happy young woman looking on mirror

While skincare trends such as multi-masking and sheet masks have been making a splash, skincare boosters are the latest beauty innovation to join this line-up. Praised for their antioxidant and moisturizing powers, boosters are essentially supplements which can be customized to suit your skin’s unique needs.

According to The Telegraph, boosters can provide benefits such as hydrating your skin, encouraging a youthful visage and targeting unwanted blemishes. In fact, some beauty boosters even claim to reduce the effects of stress on the skin and can offer a calming effect.

Skincare boosters are created with a variety of elements that claim to boost the skin and deliver beauty benefits. Some of these formulas are packed with hyaluronic acid, which is found naturally in the skin and said to hold in moisture.

Meanwhile, other botanical ingredients such as chamomile, watermelon extract and citrus extracts are said to rejuvenate the complexion. Vitamin-enriched boosters may also contain vitamins A and C, which are meant to pack a healthy antioxidant boost.

Whether you want to perfect your anti-aging skincare regimen or brighten a dull complexion, a quality skincare booster may be a new beauty must-have for the autumn months.

Photo: iStock 


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